This toolkit includes the resources and instructions you need to run your own AQR workshop that helps to evaluate and troubleshoot issues around Annual Quality Reporting.
This guide offers a complete step by step walk through the process of planning, running and evaluating your student-led teaching awards.
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The TSEP resource hub contains the latest student engagement tools and training materials. We also have a series of resource digests bringing together everything you need to develop a particular area of your student engagement work.
Resource Digests

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Latest Resources
This toolkit includes the resources and instructions you need to run your own AQR workshop that helps to evaluate and troubleshoot issues around Annual Quality Reporting.
This guide offers a complete step by step walk through the process of planning, running and evaluating your student-led teaching awards.
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This briefing is designed to challenge the perception that SLTAs have to be costly and time-consuming, and only for the ‘big’ unions. It offers advice and information that might help you deliver great awards that create really positive results but do not cost the earth.
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In this case study Dr. Nicholas Bowskill from the University of Derby introduces the concept of student-generated induction.
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These Introductory Representation Training Sessions have been designed to support staff who train and support student representatives.
This course is aimed at new staff in students’ unions and institutions with a quality and student engagement remit. The course contains four modules: Introduction and Your Role; Student Engagement and Partnership; Quality and Standards; and Information and Research, as well as a self-assessment survey. The course can be completed at your own pace and you can register for free.
The Union of Brunel Students conducted this research to map common issues, good practice and create an overall view of academic representation in England and Wales.
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Below is a collection of all TSEP responses to recent government consultations. TSEP Response to the HE Green Paper: Synergy: Student Engagement, Partnership & Teaching Excellence Our response to the HE green paper has been shaped by guidance from our Steering Group, as well as our extensive experience and expertise in supporting the development of […]
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) have released a report on the 2015 UK Engagement Survey. The report includes overall findings based on undergraduate engagement as well as placing detailed focus on students’ reported development of a range of skills and abilities.
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TSEP responded to the HEFCE consultation on quality assessment, not to represent a particular view on the future of quality assessment but to advocate for the value of student engagement.
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In this response we have answered questions where we feel our experience and expertise in the field of student engagement in learning and teaching can add value to the debate.
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Where student voice and student opportunities collide? This briefing explores ways that students’ unions are developing academic societies.
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