TSEP Consultation Responses
Below is a collection of all TSEP responses to recent government consultations.
TSEP Response to the HE Green Paper: Synergy: Student Engagement, Partnership & Teaching Excellence
Our response to the HE green paper has been shaped by guidance from our Steering Group, as well as our extensive experience and expertise in supporting the development of student engagement policy and practice.
In this response we have answered questions where we feel our experience and expertise in the field of student engagement in learning and teaching can add value to the debate. Student engagement encapsulates those practices and approaches that higher education providers can take to develop learner autonomy, empower students as change agents and support the formation of learning communities.
In our response to the Green Paper we have highlighted that:
- Student engagement is central to our understanding of teaching excellence and should therefore be central to the TEF.
- By adopting a partnership approach both individual and collective student engagement activities will give rise to continual enhancements to teaching and learning.
- The strong emphasis on student engagement in the UK Quality Code and the role that students play in the current QA review process should be preserved and enhanced in any future QA system as part of the TEF.
- The design of the TEF architecture must embed student engagement at every level and presents an opportunity for students to be engaged as partners in key decision making processes.
Response to HEFCE consultation on quality assessment
As the sector addresses the future of quality assessment, it is important that student engagement is adopted as a core element of the future system and that learning from the present system is used to inform the development of enhanced student engagement processes.
We did not seek to influence specific changes to the quality assessment system, but to advocate for the importance of student engagement as an underpinning principle and to share our insights on the opportunities and challenges for engaging students in quality.
We feel that as the sector addresses the future of quality assessment, it is important that student engagement is adopted as a core element of the future system and that learning from the present system is used to inform the development of enhanced student engagement processes.
TSEP Response to the Review of Information about Learning and Teaching, and the Student Experience.
At the heart of teaching excellence and student satisfaction lies successful student engagement and so the development of a bank of questions regarding student engagement is timely and welcomed, but moreover is essential to the national student survey’s evolution and relevance.
Student engagement and the role of student voice within it are now widely recognised as a core element of the delivery of higher education and the student experience. Successful approaches to student voice that produce enhancements to the student experience invariably are driven by effective partnership working between higher education providers and students’ unions. This bank of questions has the potential to provide important information to support this work and its outcomes.