TSEP launch College HE Toolkit

The Student Engagement Partnership (TSEP) has launched a new toolkit to support student engagement activity in College Higher Education.

Further Education colleges are now a well-established part of the Higher Education landscape with the AoC estimating that over 175000 students now study HE level courses at colleges. Due to the distinct nature of education offered and student population served, supporting College HE is a priority area and one which needed a distinctive approach.

This toolkit will help you to develop student engagement and partnership activity in order to create an environment where staff and students work together to build a successful and engaging learning environment.

This toolkit has been developed in partnership with AoC and is based on insights gained from 11 colleges taking part in a development programme. Whatever stage your student engagement work is at you will find tools and activities to help you develop further.

You can download each of the toolkit sections from our College HE toolkit hub.