Student Led Teaching Awards and their role in enhancing teaching and learning
We are looking for staff and students who run well established SLTA schemes and are using the information generated to feed into teaching and learning enhancement activities. Does this sound like your SLTA’s? If so, and what you are up to!
Despite SLTAs now being wide spread in HE and there being a general understanding and belief in their ability to feed into enhancing teaching and learning there is limited shared practice or guidance about how to go about this and this is what TSEP plans to develop. TSEP aims to capture the impact SLTA’s are having in terms of enhancing teaching and learning (or how SLTA’s can be used to inform teaching and learning if they are not already) we will then use the outcomes uncovered to inform the development of guidance materials and a potential training event on effective practice for designing and delivering successful comprehensive SLTAs.
As part of this we are seeking to gather a number of case studies of excellent SLTA schemes as well as to pull out key learning points, important considerations and other areas of good practice to share with the sector. Please reply to this email if this sounds like you and we’ll get in touch to gather some information on what you do locally.
Over the next couple of months we’ll be producing a how-to guide on designing and delivering SLTAs which we’ll be sharing on the TSEP website.
Please with us if you are interested in being part of this work. We are looking forward to hearing from you and thanks to all who contribute.