Student Engagement and the REACT project

REACT is a HEFCE Catalyst-funded project designed to investigate the impact of a variety of forms of student engagement on the student experience, including retention and attainment. A special focus is on so-called ‘hard to reach’ students, creating an aim to embed Inclusive Student Engagement Opportunities at the participating institutions.

Outcomes of REACT should be of benefit to students, academics, Student Unions, academic developers and institutions as a whole. The project started at the beginning of July 2015 and runs for a period of two years bringing together a core team from the University of Winchester, the University of Exeter and London Metropolitan University. Each is from a different mission group but all are leaders in the sector for specific initiatives relating to student engagement and all three are beginning to engage with ‘hard-to-reach’ groups.

Resources and support

The purpose of REACT is to identify and share best practice to advance student engagement nationally. In-depth case studies of student engagement will allow greater understanding of what works, how and why, along with the development and sharing of open source resources highlighting strategies, tools and frameworks that will enable institutions to learn from, and with, each other. The REACT process will combine research alongside development activities in the three core institutions, with dissemination of findings being paramount in the promotion of evidence-led practices. In addition, the team will be offering a small amount of consultancy for 10 further universities, so as to promote more effective engagement on a broader national basis.

How can I keep in touch with REACT?

Keep checking REACT’s website for updates and new resources and follow REACT on Twitter @REACT_SE.

How will TSEP and REACT work together?

TSEP is a member of REACT’s Steering Group and colleagues from TSEP and REACT meet regularly to ensure we are maximising opportunities for collaboration, particularly in relation to REACT’s core aim of improving the engagement of ‘hard to reach’ students.