Do you know who we are? We think you should: Developing effective engagement strategies for in-work students

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If you are involved in developing your engagement work with part-time in-work students then you might find the Do you know who we are? We think you should of interest. It has been co-designed with students at Sheffield Hallam University on the BA (Hons) Health and Social Care Leadership and Management course and funded by the HEA. The animation depicts the actual students who describe – in their own words and voices – their experiences of studying as part-time in-work students.

This film was written collaboratively – primarily by students with support of staff – and draws upon evidence emerging from a recent HEA-sponsored Teaching Development Grant project: Going beyond ‘you said, we did’ approaches to student engagement: developing effective co-design processes with part-time undergraduate health and social care leadership students. All of the student participants were provided with recording devices to collect the key ideas and messages that they wanted to share. These were analysed and checked by the researchers and students who then turned them into a short animation.

The key ideas and themes from this research have been used to create a manifesto for engaging in-work students.

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