Shape our new training programme

The Student Engagement Partnership is designing a one-day training opportunity for those who train and support student representatives. The course will include workshops, structured networking and resources for you to take back to your students’ union and institution.

After feedback from previous events and conversations with students’ union staff two of the areas we are looking to develop new sessions on are:

  • Online training (how this is being utilised, the platforms used, associated costs, good practice guidance)
  • Evidencing the impact of representative systems (evaluation approaches, outcomes/evidence that you gather, good practice guidance)

In preparation for this event we are looking to gather as much information and examples of good practice as possible. If you are willing to share your practice or ideas on either of these areas, please . We are interested in what your approach has been, what has worked well, lessons learnt and what advice you have for others. If you’d prefer to chat to us about this over the phone, please send us your details and we’ll be in touch to arrange a convenient time.