Making Student Engagement a Reality
GuildHE have launched a new report showcasing some of the best examples of student engagement work from UK Higher Education. Based around the TSEP Principles of Student Engagement the report offers some practical case studies in how successful engagement can enhance all parts of the education experience.
In recent years student engagement has emerged as a key priority for the sector with student’s key partners in the enhancement of learning and teaching, quality assurance and the learning community.
This new report – Making Student Engagement a Reality: Turning Theory into Practice, provides 12 case studies the highlight the positive impact that student engagement can have. Each institution has developed a culture of partnership where staff and students work together in creating solutions and innovative enhancement projects.
Based around the TSEP principles they provide practical examples of how a positive culture of engagement can support learning and teaching, curriculum design and rep structure enhancements.
Launching the report Professor Joy Carter, Chair GuildHE, Vice Chancellor of the University of Winchester, said,
“In the spirit of its own strong commitment to student engagement, GuildHE is delighted and proud to have worked with The Student Engagement Partnership to produce this report.
It sets out some of the important and clear benefits of successful student engagement, including improved attainment, better retention rates, higher student satisfaction and the cultivation of a positive community.
Case studies from a range of GuildHE members, for whom student engagement is a core value, make this publication a useful and practical tool. It offers inspiration and ideas to higher education institutions wanting to involve students in every in every aspect of university life – in short those dedicated to making student engagement a reality.”
You can read the full report here and read further commentary from GuildHE Deputy Chief Executive Alex Bols on the WonkHE website.