Introductory Student Rep Training Sessions

These Introductory Representation Training Sessions have been designed to support staff who train and support student representatives. They provide some guidance and resources that you can include in your own training for new reps.

There are six sessions within this training package, each one consists of;

  • A session plan – Breaks down the session activities step by step, includes timings, learning objectives and resources required.
  • Handouts – important content covered in the session for trainers to give out to reps to takeaway.
  • Printouts – some sessions will include materials for activities held during the training session.

We have also created some sample PowerPoint slides that cover each of the sessions.

They include visuals to accompany sessions and text for the trainer in the notes below the slides.

How do I use the materials?

These sessions are designed as a starting point for your own training and can be edited and adapted locally to fit your individual institution and SU’s needs.

Begin by reading through the session plans and associated material and reflect on;

  • Which session learning objectives fit the desired learning objectives I have chosen for my reps?
  • What limitations do I have in terms of time/ resource (number of trainers/budget/space etc) and how does this relate to the proposed sessions?
  • Which elements of each session do I particularly like and want to use and which do I not want to use?
  • What is missing? What is not within the proposed sessions which I want to cover in my training?

By working through these questions you should begin to get a clear idea of what your training programme will look like and include.


  • Do pick and choose activities you like
  • Do include ice-breakers, warm-ups and energisers throughout your training programme. See NUS’ Ice-breakers and Energisers Handbook
  • Do edit and adapt sessions to fit your local context
  • Be creative, think outside the box and aim for your sessions to be as interaction as possible. Research shows that the more engaged people are in training the more they tend to learn and a take away.
  • Do consider sharing materials from your sessions online. This can be useful for those that attended as a reminder or for those unable to attend as a catch-up.

What other support can TSEP provide?

We offer bespoke training and development to all HE providers. If you are looking to enhance your rep training or are starting a new programme from scratch then we can help you to shape and refine your ideas. Get in touch to speak to one of our consultants and find out how we can support your work.

Introductory Sessions

What is a rep?

Understand the purpose of a Representative, what the key responsibilities are and the essential skills and qualities required to be an effective Representative.

Session Plan – What is a representative?

Exercise – What’s the purpose of a Representative?

Handout – What is a rep?

Printout – Responsibilities of a Rep

Introduction to your SU and the University structure

To understand the role of the SU and University in student representation, decision making structures and the main areas reps feed into these systems to enact change.

Session Plan – Introduction to the Students’ Union and the University

How to represent

To understand how to be a successful representative through gathering, understanding, promoting and strengthening ‘student voice’ in their local context.

Session Plan – How to Represent

Handout – Communication Methods

Handout – Course Quality

Handout Activity – Solve the Problem

Public Speaking and communication

To understand how to communicate effectively in the role of Rep and demonstrate ability of this

Handout – Dealing with Nerves

Handout – Top Tips for Public Speaking

Session Plan – Public Speaking

Printout – Communication Stories

Contributing Effectively to Meetings

To be effective and confident in their role in meetings, including the ability to chair meetings professionally.

Handout – Attending and participating in Meetings as a rep

Printout – Common Jargon for Meetings

Session Plan – Contributing Effectively to Meetings

Support, signposting and benefits for reps

To be aware of and able to effectively access various support services, signposting and benefits offered locally.

Session Plan – support, signposting and benefits for reps

Activity – Support, signposting and benefits for reps